Wednesday 19 September 2012

Well…no-one said this was going to be easy!

Well…no-one said this was going to be easy!
We finished all of the work on our house and now have this on the market, but only one viewing (a carpet-treader at that) to date is a measure of how deflated the housing market is.  It’s true the house has only been on the market for a week and a bit, but I confess nonetheless to being a little disappointed not to have had a flurry of initial interest.  Hopefully, this weekend will see more viewings.
I have to say, I’ve been astonished at how much stuff we have both hoarded over the years and I’ve learnt my lesson.  I’ve even managed to keep things from my childhood, like old comics for goodness sake!
One of the frustrations I am feeling about the necessary hoops we are having to jump through to make the move to Shetland is that they are stopping me from painting.  The thought of relocating has really awakened a desire in me to paint again.  The trouble is, my preferred medium is oils and the smell of oil painting and house viewings are not a good marriage!  There are many reasons why I am looking forward to getting to Shetland, but picking up a brush again is very high among them.
Anyway…I thought I would leave you a picture of the house we’re leaving behind.  As yet, we do not know where we will settle as we will not start looking in earnest until we have an offer on the house.
Onwards and upwards!